15 April 2009


---there is none.

Lent is finished, Holy Week has been celebrated, and Easter came! The Collar survived preaching all of those sermons, and celebrating all the services, and Wiz had his feet washed and washed others' feet for the year.
This week I have the bike race and the Bishop is coming down to visit our parish. This means that I will be running around Waitsburg and Walla Walla and then we get to have dinner with the Bishop and have the vestry and the Bishop over at our house for coffee and dessert. (What should we have?!?) This will be fun, but we will also be exhausted. The next morning we will be having confirmations. It will be a lovely weekend. It might be nice to have a week between Easter and the Bishop's visit though. Or between Easter and the bike race. I think we just had rather interesting timing.

The pictures have nothing to do with anything. They are random Easter pictures of things the boys did last Saturday. I supervised. They're growing up.


ramboe said...

Any plans for total collapse next week?


Kate said...

No. The Collar is going to clergy conference at the beginning of the week and then there is the Children's Evensong that Sunday. The next week we're having a Derby party. Then the weekend after that, the Collar has a wedding. Maybe mid May.

elisabeth said...

Sounds familiar. We have a wedding this weekend, church movie night next weekend, etc., etc. It never ends.

More power to you!

word verification: lintibed -- what you get when you wash your sheets with a tissue