15 April 2010

A Love Affair

One of the things that has surprised me is how visceral my love for where we live now has been.  I've lived in a variety of places:  Kansas City, Sarasota, Lexington (KY), Madison County (KY), and Sewanee, TN.  There have been things and places that I love about all of them, but somehow Walla Walla trumps all of that.   When I am out riding, there is always something that takes my breath away (and I'm not talking about riding up the hills). 

I rode out of town (easy enough) and went toward Oregon.  As I rode down Cottonwood, I could see the mountains with their snowy summits and the green moving its way up from the valley through the foothills.  As the altitude decreases, the green becomes deeper and deeper.  Spring, with all of its promise, is here.  Everything is new and green (soon we'll have shades of gold and brown, with the deep blue sky looking over it all) and it's easy to see why some of the pioneering people stopped here instead of pushing to the coast and said, "This is home."

I agree:  This is home.  My home, and some days I am amazed that I have the privilege of living here.


Batty said...

It's beautiful. All your pictures show that you're living in a beautiful place.

AudreyGS said...

I wish I could join you! We've lived in Seattle twice (first time, we were there at the same time, but didn't know each other, and it was 20 years before we were married). Although I grew up in L.A. and Tucson, Washington state (and really, the entire PNW) is home. Unfortunately, DH doesn't feel the same way I do, which is a shame, but I'm encouraging R to consider the area for college, and if I won the lottery, I'd move up there in a heartbeat (with or without B). Your pictures make me so homesick!