04 March 2006

The sweater and its use

As I was writing before, I finished M's sweater. He loves the color green and has since he was able to identify colors. He wore the sweater to school and the principal saw it and asked him who made it. He's pretty proud of it. Here it is, in a mannequin pose. The sweater won't fit him long--I made it extra long in the body and the hood and it's just right. B measured M on Monday, and he was 51.5 inches tall. I measured him today and he was 52 inches tall. I can't wait until summer when he can wear shorts.

We had a very nice day today and spent it watching the boys play with all of the neighborhood children who were at home. We had soccer games, bike riding, scooter riding, playing on the playset in the back yard, playing with the dog, and a huge variety of activities. It's nice to live in a neighborhood with a lot of children. It also seems that our house is the one where every one wants to come and play. I like that--we know all the kids and we know were everyone is.

The second picture is the boys in their matching sweaters today (L's sweater I made last spring. It still fits). It was a bit chilly but the sweaters were just right. They also like their helmets. The scary thing is that M's wearing my helmet (I have two). We have the same size head already (he's 8.5 years). I don't think that he's going to be shorter than me that much longer.


Anonymous said...

The guys look great in their sweaters! Nice socks in earlier post, too.

Kate said...

Thanks! They love them. I'm going to make L a new one as the yarn in his sweater is really beginning to pill.

I like the socks too. I'm going to get mary jane type shoes so that I can see them better.