19 February 2009

He's 8!

Today was a big day for the Wiz.
It's his 8th birthday. He went to school, he chose our dinner menu which he helped cook (the menu was pulled pork sandwiches, cole slaw and roasted potatoes).

He also opened presents.
Game Boy gave him a monkey birthday card, quarters to buy monkeys, and a monkey house that he made for the Wiz's monkeys. The Wiz loved it. The Collar gave him a game we played at a friend's house: Apples to Apples, which can be hysterical. He also gave him some smokey pink marbles.I found a jousting game set for the knights that the boys have been collecting and been receiving for years. This was how they ended the evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like an awesome birthday. Happy Birthday, Wiz!