16 January 2006

The Story of Hunt Hunt

I really have nothing to say today, so I'll write up an anecdote about L. Tomorrow we see his GI, so it's nice to have some reminders that L is still just a kid. Besides, it's a pretty cute story!

I have absolutely no idea of where Hunt Hunt came from. All I know is that when we left Lexington for KC, Hunt Hunt was not along (this was June 2004). By the time we were in KC, L had Hunt Hunt and Hunt Hunt was a big topic of conversation. Hunt Hunt is from outerspace, Hunt Hunt likes breakfast. Hunt Hunt fits in my pocket (a pretty impressive feat, since L was wearing something like 18 month sizes at the time and was 3!) Hunt Hunt slept with L, rode in the car with L and was a constant friend until we left. On the day we left, he couldn't find Hunt Hunt anywhere. He was in tears, and my parents were upset for him too. They told L that they'd look for Hunt Hunt and make sure that Hunt Hunt made it back to our house. L was worried that Hunt Hunt wouldn't be able to find our house because we were moving.

Shortly after we moved to the new house, L received a package and there was Hunt Hunt (and a few other little things that he'd left at my parents' house). There was much rejoicing on his part and Hunt Hunt again became a constant companion. Who would have thought an inch tall alien could be so important?

Tragedy then struck. Luckily, L was not home when I discovered it. Lulu (our completely insane lab) had found Hunt Hunt and chewed him up. I disposed of Hunt Hunt and later on L asked if I'd seen him. I decided to do what parents all over the world do: I completely fabricated a story. I told L that Hunt Hunt was lonely for his family and went back to his home planet. Hunt Hunt of course was sad to leave L, but the spaceship came and he needed to go home right then. Maybe someday Hunt Hunt would come back for a visit. L wasn't happy, but could understand being lonely for his family. I really thought that this was the end of the story.

Fast forward to Christmas, 2005. Hunt Hunt's been gone for about a year at this point. In a box from my parents, there are a bunch of wrapped little gifts. One is from Hunt Hunt. I think that maybe my mother found a little spaceship or something (I don't think that she knew about the destruction of Hunt Hunt) so I kind of sigh but put it under the tree. On Christmas morning, L is opening his presents and all of a sudden I hear: "Hunt Hunt came back! Look, he brought his brother Hunt Hunt, his other brother Hunt Hunt, and his sister, too! I knew he'd come back!"

Hunt Hunt, both of his brothers Hunt Hunt, and his sister all live in a little rubber maid style container and now travel with us quite a lot. I never expected that Hunt Hunt would come back, let alone bring siblings!

And that's the story of Hunt Hunt. May he live a long time.


Pat said...

That is so funny. Hunt Hunt. I actually was laughing out loud at this story. Lucas sounds like a such a cute kid.

Maggie said...

How can you not love him? <3 Are y'all coming to KC this summer?