03 March 2008

In like a lion

Today was a pretty good day. Once the whining was done (The Wiz, Game Boy and The Collar), there was time to go out and play. Game Boy went off to a friend's house, and The Wiz did this:Game Boy used the scooter to gain confidence and balance before he began to take off on his bike, so we're hoping it will work the same way with the Wiz. (He's got really skinny little arms and legs, doesn't he?)

The Collar and I ran in the same room this morning, ran errands (grocery shopping together sans children is actually not too bad), and had lunch together. Then we came home and I paid bills. Yuck, but I always feel better when it's done. (We paid one off, too.)

My current knitting is getting close to complete. Here they are, in twilight glory:I have finished the foot of one, and about half of the foot of the other. They are going to be loose on the leg, though, because I probably should have knitted these on 0s, not 1s. They'll be okay.
I'd rather have slouchy socks than tight ones, any day. I do like the yarn for these. The question is, will I be wearing them soon, or will they wait until fall?

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