23 June 2007

Container Gardens Rule!

Especially when there is a moderate drought, such as what we have here in the bluegrass.
The garden looks great!

My green beans are doing their viney thing, and growing up the teepee we made for them. I suspect that we'll have green beans in a few weeks.I have two containers of tomatoes, and they are looking fantastic. I'll have green tomatoes soon, so at least we can have fried green tomatoes. Ripe ones might still be a little while.The lettuce is almost ready to pick. I'm not sure what I'll grow in that one after we pick it. I'll grow more lettuce and broccoli in the fall, but until then...
The peppers are blooming too. We'll be eating lots of fajitas in the near future.
Now I'll really be off line for a week. See you later!

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